This picture of Audrey in the inter-tube was my favorite. :) To make this page I used a variety of different fonts for the title and the arrows are from the "This and That" digital kit.
I'm sad to tell you that this will be my last MDS blog hop post (at least in the near future). I have some health issues that I need to work through and recover from so I'm trying to get life responsibilities down to a minimum so I can do that. I hope to be back as soon as I get things sorted out!
The ladies in this blog hop have been nothing short of the sisters I never had but always wanted. I love each and every one of them... and the talent! They are all so talented! :)
So with that, be sure to visit the other ladies and see what they came up with in MDS this week and know that I'll miss sharing with you! Thanks so much for stopping by each hop!