And there is so much going on! I thought I was done being a Stampin' Up! demonstrator in a few days since I didn't make my minimum orders to stay on this quarter, but now I find out that I do actually have enough to stay on, which is what I'm going to do - yay! So I opened up my Stampin' Success magazine that demos get tonight to take a look and what falls out? A fun sample of the new Decor Elements that Stampin' Up! just came out with. Basically they are BIG rubons for walls! YAY!
Well, the girls have been after me for months to re-decorate their room. When we decorated it the way it is now Audrey wasn't even born yet and we had no idea if she was going to be a girl or boy, so we painted it a neutral tan color. Not too fun or exciting 5 years later for a 5 year old and a 3 year old. So Audrey found a Tinkerbell room she absolutely wants that is all blues and greens, which we'll do here soon but the outside of their door will have to stay brown to match the hallway. Still boring! Well....after tonight, not anymore!

We applied the Decor Element flower they sent to the outside of their door then used some pink Kaiser bling and Doodlebug letters from the Scrapbooking Cafe to embellish it a little more. It was SO easy to apply, just use a credit card to rub it on! I'm so happy with how it turned out. I didn't want anything too huge on the door since it is a small hallway but this was the perfect size! :)
If you'd like to see the other new Decor Elements that Stampin' Up! has now just let me know and I can get you a mini catalog, or if you just want added to my mailing list that is fine too. I'm so excited about them - there are a lot of cute ones I can't wait to use, especially now that I know how easy they are to use.
So with no more delay - here is today's SUPER EASY project. And a quick side note that I spent a lot of today working on the recipe club sample and it is almost done so if I get it finished enough tomorrow I'll get it posted on the blog tomorrow! :)
Door Decor
- Decor Elements Flower (Stampin' Up!)
- Pink Rhinestones (Kaiser)
- Brown Letter Stickers (Doodlebug Designs)
- Credit Card
1- Peel off the grid paper backing on your Decor Element. The remaining side with the rub-on will be sticky. Stick the sticky side where you want your element to be.
2- Using your credit card, rub the design from the front then slowly peel the paper from the design. If the design starts to peel up with the paper stick it back down and rub it just a little harder until you get it to stick when you peel up.
3- Add your rhinestones to the petals (Audrey loved doing this part)
4- Add your letters for your name(s). The trick when you want them to be centered is to start with the middle letter of the name and work your way out both ways. So with Audrey's I applied the D first, and with Nat's I did her middle A first.
Hope you had a great weekend! :)