My resolution is to stay on track with this blog - whoooo hoooo for that! And to do that, I've decided to schedule events for each day on the blog to keep me on track easier.
MONDAYS - I don't know about you, but Monday means I have to go back to work. And while I absolutely love my job, I still get the Monday blues. And since blue is my favorite color - Monday will be some type of Stampin' Up! project with blue in it.
TUESDAYS - Being Catholic, we have Fat Tuesday right before Lent starts. Well, at Create Something Everyday I'm making every Tuesday FLAT Tuesday! I love doing flat projects (no layers, no embellishments) I just don't do them very often so this will be a good challenge for me!
WEDNESDAY - I *heart* white. So every Wednesday will be White Wednesday. Each project posted on Wednesdays will be a majority of white. I can't wait!
THURSDAY - Triple Play day! I'm going to pick a technique or design idea each Thursday and put three different spins on it.
FRIDAY - Friday is our My Digital Studio Blog Hop day with various themes picked by one of our 12 blog hoppers.
SATURDAY - Is simple day! I love simple, classy looking projects so each project posted on Saturdays will be simple enough to create in less than ten minutes.
SUNDAY - Sunday is SCRAPBOOK DAY! Be it paper, be it digital - all of Sunday's posts will be a scrapbook page.
If you've ever forgotten the schedule and want to be reminded - I've listed it on the right-hand column. So with today being Sunday and all, that means it's time to share a scrapbook page with you! For twelve years now I've been a paper scrapbooker. But I've been finding myself using My Digital Studio more and more to make my pages. I just love it. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to give up my paper for good - and that's OK. But for today - it's digital!
I decided to be kind of proactive and start on our Christmas photos from 2011. I did this page of the girls making Christmas cookies with their Grandma Jill this year. I have such a hard time using "traditional" Christmas colors. I'm not a huge fan of red and green together, but I love using non-traditional colors for Christmas so that's the route I went.
See you tomorrow for the Monday Blues! :)

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